
Becks - Love Me True Series

Thank you so much Becks, for stepping out of your comfort zone, sharing your story and letting my be a part of your self love journey! You are an incredibly beautiful and strong wahine and I adore that you empower others to be the best they can be.

Tell us your story! What made you want to take part in the Love Me True Campaign?
A focus for me at the moment is getting comfortable with the uncomfortable; it is part of my self-love journey. As soon as I saw the Love me True Campaign I thought "someone is sending me a message" so without a second thought, I applied. I never share or talk about myself because that helps me keep people at arms length it is a defence mechanism developed over years of mamae and whakamā (hurt and shame), but part of my journey is practicing being more vulnerable and using the hurt and shame to propel me forward rather than hold me back.  I shared in my application more than I ever would normally; this was the first challenge to overcome.

What does it mean to love yourself?
For me it is, loving every part of who I am and I have come to realise for me this is living authentically. It is being balanced in Wairua (Spiritual well being), Hinengaro (emotional well being), Tinana (Physical well being) and Culture (Whānau well being). It is acknowledging all of the hurt and pain of the past but not making it permanent and focussing on the amazing and wonderful parts of life. It is also about being somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody. 

What do you remember learning about beauty from a young age? What impacted you the most that you have carried throughout your life?
I used to watch my mum and grandmother put themselves together and I remember thinking how beautiful and strong these two women were, my grandmother raised me and she always taught me the importance of holding inner strength and that I was beautiful in all ways, but that true beauty came from being kind to others and giving others the gift of a smile. She was an amazing woman.

What is your favourite physical feature about yourself?
My legs, they have always been a proud feature.

What is your favourite NON physical feature about yourself? (After all, beauty is not only on the inside!)
My want and need to serve others, to support and celebrate others and encourage others to be the best that they would like to be, so much so that's what I do for a living now which is the coolest thing on the planet!!!

Is there any advice you would like to share with others who struggle to see their own beauty?
Don't chase the Mana chase the Mauri, focus on being the best you, you can be, allow yourself to be open to where your true beauty really lies and focus on enhancing this part of yourself.

How did you feel during the experience?
The experience was very liberating, Jessie and Jamie are absolute superstars and will make you feel very comfortable and they have the BEST energy, I felt so at home like I was with old friends, these two ladies are stunning human beings who never once made me feel like I was anything less than equal.

How did this experience impact you? Have you noticed any changes in yourself, be it your self-confidence or anything else since your session?
This experience really hit home for me that I am my own worst critic and if the voice in my head spoke to my friends and loved ones the way it speaks to me, I would have punched it in the face...I am now focussed on silencing that inner critic.

What was the best part of the experience?
Making connections with like-minded people, the hair and makeup and learning how to pose in photos properly, (you would be proud of me Jessie I'm still practicing your tips!)

What advice would you offer to other women who are considering taking part in the campaign?
Like the famous sporting brand says, "Just do it", you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, make sure to do some neck stretching exercises before hand (when you do your session you will thank me...) 

Is there anything else you would like to share?
If there is one thing that you do for yourself make it a Love Me True shoot with Jessie. Be that wahine toa (strong woman) that all we all know lives inside every single one of us.

Last question, would you do it again?
YES! For sure, and this time round I would set myself the challenge of doing pinup shoot, this is something I have always wanted to do, I'm not there yet in my haerenga (journey) but the important thing is I know I will be one day!